Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Baton Rouge Jewish film Festival

My review of the Baton Rouge Jewish Film Festival has been posted on 2theAdvocate.com. I saw five films in total from Thursday to Sunday. The article reviews each film in detail.

Here's the link: http://www.2theadvocate.com/entertainment/featured/13977987.html

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mobile M.O.P.S. Launched

January Update: As you have probably already figured out, there will not be a new M.O.P.S. episode this month. Because of the holidays and one of our main creators being in the middle of a cross-country move, we couldn't put it out in a timely manner and still be at the standard of quality we have established for this strip. Rest assured that a new episode will appear on Feb 1st, and from what I have seen so far, it is bad to the bone.

Mobile site launched: Just because there is no strip in January doesn't mean we haven't been busy. Today we have launched the mobile, non-flash version of the M.O.P.S. website. So you hipsters out there with your iPhones, smart phones, and PDA's can now read M.O.P.S. on the go without having Flash player installed. The best part is there is no separate address to remember. Just browse to http://www.wefightdirty.net on your non-flash enabled device and you will be automatically redirected to our text-only, mobile-friendly version of the site. Please let us know if you have any issues.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008